Sunday, March 14, 2010

High-Tailing It

Today, I celebrate nothingness. Germany is very good at encouraging such a thing. On Sundays here, no businesses are open, except for restaurants, gas stations and flower shops (!!). Of course, public transportation still runs, so I can get around the city if I want. But there’s nothing open for shopping. So I just enjoy what’s there, and what’s there is nothingness. There is no busily rushing about, no doctor or dentist appointments, no shopping for food or household items. No government or bank offices are open. There’s a sense of sleepiness, as if the entire city took a strong dose of Excedrin PM.

So I watch TV, and mostly I watch shows about animals. The TV stations here all have zoo shows on the weekend. Lots of stories about monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, goats, rhinos, gazelles, and you name it. Shows about lemurs are among my favorites. Lemurs are fascinating creatures: lively, perky, quick, nimble, long-tailed, social, curious, intelligent, almost like humans. At times, I regret that I have to rely on a zoo in order to see them, yet that may be a very necessary evil since their natural habitats are disappearing fast. So, I am glad that at least the zoo can offer them for seeing. Maybe one day, we will find a way to maintain their natural habitats enough so that they can thrive in the wild. Who knows, I might go live with them.

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