Friday, September 04, 2009

No-Iron Man

Autumn swept into town last night. Actually, it did not have to do much sweeping because summer never really showed up here this year. It was the mildest summer I have ever experienced. There were a few days when the temp reached the upper 80s, but the nights always cooled down enough that I needed to sleep under a blanket or two.

So I wore a long-sleeve shirt all summer, just in case the weather dropped down into the 70s or 60s while I was at work or someplace else, and that did indeed happen. So that gave me good reason to wear all those shirts that I bought back in June.

Of course, long-sleeve dress shirts do have a severe downside: You have to iron them!

But I took the easy way out and took them to the cleaner down the street. I handed them 17 shirts on a Monday and picked them up on a Friday. It was so wonderful. They were all starchy clean and professionally pressed. And they only charged me one euro per shirt, a special price given only to those who bring in 10 or more shirts at a time.

What a magnificent system! Quick, painless, high-quality and unbelievably reasonable prices. Government should learn to work this way.


Amanda & Walker said...

Wow! Sounds like a good idea. I will have to look for a place like that here in the states. If it doesn't come out wrinkle free from the dryer then I don't wear it.

Blumentopf said...

Count your lucky stars. We don't even have dryers here!