Friday, July 04, 2008

No. 144

O wail. It looks like Marat crumbled again. Mebbe next year. In the meantime...

I've really been enjoying riding the bus lately. Not having driven a vehicle for almost ten years now, I have developed a great liking and appreciation for public transportation. Just sitting there waiting becomes a moment of...hmmm, meditation is not quite the word...but perhaps relaxation and calmness. Maybe the bus will be on time, maybe it won't. Maybe it will show up 30 minutes late. So I just sit there and watch people walk by, study the buildings around me, or close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. I could always take a cab if I wanted, but I can never rationalize the expense. Why all the rush? Why not just wait? Wait, wait, and wait. Eventually, the bus does show up, always (unless there's a strike). Learning to wait takes time. It takes reprioritization skills. They take time to master. The more I try to learn them, the further away I get from ever learning them. So I just forget about them, and wait. I close my eyes...and wait.

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