Friday, February 25, 2011


I just saw a report where China has enacted a one-dog-per-family law. The local authorities have already started taking away any extra dogs from families with more than one. What a horrible thing to do to such a wonderful creature, and what a horrible choice to force a family to make. I could accept such a law if it allowed families that already have more than one dog to keep their dogs, and applying the law to families who are considering getting a dog for the first time or a new dog if their last one has passed away. Please join me in praying that as many of these taken-away dogs find a new and good home as soon as possible. The only other alternative the authorities have is to put down these poor dogs. That is a sad, sad thought.


Alice and Jay said...

This is horrible! It makes me so sad.

Betty said...

As the owner of 4 crazy dogs, I could not imagine getting rid of any of them. First, one child per family and now, one dog per family is just a shame!