Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Party

With Halloween just around the corner, it's time for all our political leaders in Washington D.C. to start getting their costumes ready. To help them along, here are a few suggestions from me for what would be just the right costume for each of them:

Dick Cheney -> Marilyn Manson

Barack Obama -> Rush Limbaugh

Nancy Pelosi -> The Wicked Witch of the West

Laura Bush -> Missy Elliot

George Bush -> Michelle Obama

John McCain -> Al Sharpton

Cindy McCain -> A Six-Pack of Budweiser

Michelle Obama -> Pink

Lynn Cheney -> Bloody Mary

Larry Craig -> Hansel AND Gretel

Joe Biden -> A Tank of Hot Helium

Sarah Palin -> Big Mama

Donald Rumsfeld -> Napoleon in Exile

Hillary Clinton -> Oprah

Bill Clinton -> Tom Cruise Jumping on a Couch

John Edwards -> Bill Clinton

Elizabeth Edwards -> Hillary Clinton

Condoleeza Rice -> The View

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