Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Food Fit for a Queen

For dinner tonight, I cook fried steak. That is quite unusual for me, almost as rare as receiving a visit from the pope. I normally try to avoid fried food, just to keep my health conscience clear. But it happened. And even more surprising given my feeble attempts at culinary art, the steak was quite good.

I cooked it by applying the winter clothes technique: I put on a first layer of flour, fried the steak briefly, took the steak out of pan, dipped it the flour again, and put it back in the pan and fried it until ready.. My only mistake was that I had only bought one piece of steak at the store (actually, they only had one piece; apparently, there is a shortage of cows in Germany).

If my dog, Agnes, had still been alive, I'm sure she would have gotten most of the steak. She had a very good nose for telling the difference between good steak / bad steak, and whenever I cooked something that turned out good, she started applying her superior skills of manipulation before the goods were even out of the frying pan. Often, she ended up getting the entire piece of meat. I would end up eating salad, somehow very satisfied.

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